Life Without My Wellies 2nd Birthday

July is filled with birthdays, so I guess it was quite apt that my blog’s birthday is also in July…Tuesday 26th to be exact.


They say time flies and boy does it! The other day while I was updating some photos on here, I realised that I had been blogging for two years. Now I’m not sure why I was so surprised. I mean I started this blog during my MA degree and I know that it was two years ago that I signed up to that. I guess what I was really surprised about though was that it had been two years and I’m still going.

I always wanted to start a blog but I scared myself with the what ifs, like what if no one reads it and what if no one likes it. I was also nervous that I wouldn’t have enough ideas to keep it going. You know, like a one hit wonder but instead I would be a one post wonder or one month wonder.

I am by no means saying that I have blogging all figured out, far from it in fact, but I am very grateful to all that follow me and like my posts. So as a way to celebrate this milestone, I thought I would answer the same questions that I would want to ask a fellow blogger who had reached a significant milestone in their journey.

What is your favourite post so far?

This is a tough question because to some extent I’m proud of all my posts, although my recent ones (and by recent I mean the last few months especially) are definitely the ones I’m most proud of. I feel my writing has got better as well as my photos (thanks Instagram for igniting that passion). If I had to pick a favourite though, it would have to be my birthday ones Birthday Cake Oreo Style and Birthday Round-Up as I had such a fantastic time and it was lovely to sit down and write these up.

What is your least favourite post?

I don’t think I could pull out a least favourite post, but I do feel as though my writing has come on leaps and bounds over the past two years, so I would have to say that my earlier posts could definitely do with some improvement. Perhaps that is a task for a rainy day.

Have you revisited your earlier posts recently and if so why?

Yes. I recently changed the theme on my blog and it meant that I needed a feature photo for each post that I have done, so in order to pick the perfect one I looked back at all my old blog posts.

Have you deleted any posts?

Yes. When I carried out the above task I realised that some posts didn’t fit the theme I was going for so I didn’t think twice about hitting the delete button. I didn’t see it as a bad thing, just defining the image of my blog. I suppose the ones I deleted would be my least favourite posts- so I guess I can answer question 2 afterall.

Since starting this blog, what’s your favourite moment so far?

Being completely honest, my favourite moment so far has to be my first like, my first follower and my first comment that I received on the blog. It was really nice to know that people enjoyed my posts like I enjoy others.

What’s your biggest lesson?

Plan! It’s so easy to get side tracked by the daily going-ons in life, but if you plan what you’re going to write, draft a few posts ahead of time and actually schedule a few in, you’ll have a steady stream of content and you won’t have to worry so much when you need to give your attention to another area of your life.

What advice would you give to others looking to become a blogger?

Just get started! I spent too long thinking about it and honestly it just feels good to be doing it. Also there is a magazine called Blogosphere which is really useful. Not only does it open your eyes to other bloggers you may not have come across yet, but it also has a lot of useful articles that can help you in making decisions to get your blog off the ground and running.


Is there anything you do now that you didn’t do when you started?

I plan and try to map out posts for the month ahead. Naturally these initial plans will change as sometimes I’ll do something that I really want to share with you and share with words as well as a snap on Instagram.


So there you go, a mini Q&A to celebrate my blog’s 2nd birthday. If you have any other questions you would like me to answer please leave me a comment and I will respond asap.

I guess all that’s left to say is happy 2nd birthday to life without my wellies and hopefully here’s to many more to come.

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